We take care of people and the environment
In the course of our development and growth, the issue of sustainability has also steadily increased in importance for us. Social responsibility and sustainable business practices are fundamental components of our corporate policy. In our view, sustainability means not only keeping the environment in our sights, but also being mindful of economic and social aspects in the wider context.

We endeavour at all times to limit environmental impact with lasting effect and to reduce it to a minimum. We therefore attach the utmost importance to the choice of materials and to the shape and design of our packaging with the aim of keeping to an appropriate minimum weight of packaging while meeting identical specifications without any loss of functionality, product protection, safety and consumer acceptance.
Perhaps you have your own specifications for your plastic packaging and you would like a product tailored to your individual requirements? We can make your ideas a reality!
Go to product development>60 Years of experience in packaging
certified ISO 9001 & 50001
We work closely with our suppliers, all of whom operate on a sustainable basis, and therefore we are in a position to review our raw materials regularly and check for environmentally friendly alternatives. Good examples of this include our active involvement in the production of plastic bottles based on renewable raw materials and the use of recycled materials like rHDPE and rPET.

Teamarbeit schafft Qualität
Johann Sieben (1875)

Continuous quality control
We are certified as conforming to DIN ISO 9001:2015 and 50001:2011. These external assessments of our performance and audits by our customers give us the opportunity to review and continuously optimise the standards of our manufacturing processes.
Priority is given to eco-friendly manufacture of the products through efficient control of the packaging lines and flow of materials by various means, such as separation by type and direct grinding without intermediate storage. Constant investment in modern measuring systems and their usage enable faults to be detected in good time, thereby reducing the number of rejects and cutting waste.
A socially responsible approach to production is in keeping with our understanding of sustainability. Secure jobs from apprenticeship through to retirement, decent working conditions and opportunities for skills enhancement are therefore at the top of our list of priorities.
Not only do we aim to continue to implement the existing measures in the best possible way but we also never want to stop striving to reach higher standards.
Take a look at our products and references and satisfy yourself of the quality of our work – we look forward to receiving your inquiry!
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